Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Infamous iPhone

Hello, iPhone. Yourself?

The infamous iPhone was on the tips of every Mac evangelists's lips even before it hit the stores. Its boasts a touch screen, internet access, and other functions that would not probably be of much use in the long run.

Personally, I am not much of a Apple fan. Their way of marketing angers me in that they tend to come up with the exact same product but in different shapes, sizes and colours. It puts all other brands that put in so much effort in their products to shame as even with their lazy way of churning out "new" geek baubles, they still manage to generate impressive sales.

However, I do find their computer software superior to Windows but I am not one to talk as I know naught about it.

Definitely, the appeal of the iPhone would be it's sleek design and touch screen functions. But then again, don't many other products have that function anyway? So what is the big deal?

Not too long ago I also watched the iPhone advertisement on the television. It claims the functions available in the phone all works superbly fast. I question that though, as don't all phones work equally fast? How does one compare speed when in this technologically diverse era, information is dispensed in a few seconds? Thus, what does a second faster or later make? It seems to me that all people want nowadays is speed. They want things done now, today... No! Yesterday!

Some eager beavers were also so excited about the iPhone that they placed first dibs on the phone. Excited to show off their new gadgets, these people knew that if they were to order the phone online, the phone is not under the responsibility of any mobile company in Singapore. It was equivalent to being a stuntman without insurance.

However, through comments made by people who owned or are bitter for not owning the iPhone, I got to know that the functions in the phone were merely basic functions one can find in any phone. More infuriating is that not too long after the first iPhone was introduced, another similar phone was introduced, this time boasting of one more measly addition to it's functions.

I feel that the advertisement for the iPhone has done wonders for the product as even with it's price tag and lack lustre functions, people are still clamouring after it. As for me, I just like locking and unlocking the phone.

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